Dora's bike had a blowout while she was here. I swapped out her bike for this one and took this picture just before they left for the train. After I fixed the tire I figured out that the brakes on her bike were frozen solid. I got new brake cables and installed them. It took a few days, but now that bike is reliable and has been swapped back in. I should have taken a picture of it. A green 10 speed, "The Londoner" brand. Much better riding than the '70s bikes I had back then. Still... I like the modern bikes I have better. More speeds, more convenient shifters, and at least as reliable.

Dec. 30 2013: For my festivus party I got a big ham at Safeway. Most of it went on the table there. Most of the rest I hacked into small jars and froze. Then there was the marrow bone. I put it in the pot with the freshly soaked beans I cooked the next day. After all that cooking most of the rest fell off the bones. To get the last of it I cooked the soup bone with my linguine this evening. Scraped it clean before dropping it in the trash. Yumm! Haven't been party to that since I left my parents home back in the 1970s. Having just consumed that soup my belly feels very satisfied right now.