Monday Sept. 7, 2020: Took a donation over to Pat Showalter and returned with one of her signs. She was a friend of Virginia's for sure. I just had to do it.

Thursday Sept. 10, 2020: Got that new jersey from Silicon Valley Clean Energy. It was kind of like a door prize from the bicycle summit. Happy to say I get my power from and like the idea of advertising for them.


Aug. 19th, 2020: This came in the mail. Nicest award I can remember being given.

Sept. 23, 2020: Silicon Valley Half Marathon turned into a virtual event this year. They just mailed me the shirt, bib, and medals. I figured out a half marathon course from here, but waiting until bike month is over to race walk it. Not expecting that good a time, haven't been doing those workouts since Virginia died. Thinking these are going to be my last medals for a while at least.

404, 2020: The grape vine I planted while Virginia was in the hospital is growing!


March 2, 2020: Thinking about the primary ballot right now. For President Sedinam Moyowasifza-Curry. Yeah, she is amazingly good at turning the slightest insult into a race issue, but she means well and puts in honest effort. The other names on that list mean nothing to me. For County Council: Everybody but Nassim. Don't ask me why. Congresscritter: Rishi Kumar. State Senator: Sally J. Lieber. State Assembly: Kennita Watson. 13: NO! D: NO! G: NO! H: yes. T: NO!