The rain has been okay this year. Usually I visit my garden and think "This thing could do with some drying out." Haven't watered for a month.

None of the plants look thirsty.

Planted the broccoli field in November. Probably would have worked out great to have planted them a bit earlier. Also, next time I should plant them a bit further apart.


The collards continue to be a staple crop in my kitchen. That bush was a candelabra of big leafy crowns until the middle of November, when most of them got blown off. Now I'm on hiatus from eating all the collards I want. Still getting some though.

Cabbage patch seems to be doing well.

Hoping the chard grows up to be good! They seem to be growing nicely. This batch is Bright Lights. I like to grow them so I can say "The power company has nothing to do with the bright lights in my plot." They are also wonderful in soup.

The Irises are doing well. Planted some of the rest at Virginia's. Left the rest by the gate with a tag that said "Purple Irises". They disappeared.

Another view of the bright lights. Aren't they beautiful?

Planted a six pack of pea starts, but that seems to be the only one that's growing much. The others are being preyed on by birds or something like that. It's just hard to keep them out. Going to do better on that next year.


Raspberries were great last year. Hoping the trend continues.

Metal storm to me.

Getting some of my greens from these plants to. Yummm!

Update Jan 23rd:


This is what I get on a day when I'm just harvesting the leaves that are mature enough to do better in the fridge than they can on the plant. Leaves that are done growing, but the plant hasn't really moved on from them yet.

The big news was I planted another grape vine. Looking forward to seeing how this one works out.

Hoping to raise this one into a shade structure for me while I'm standing on that walkway.