I helped a friend fill a dumpster with crap out of his house. His girlfriend was there supervising. Many times he said "in the name of domestic tranquility this goes." Then yet another piece of crap would go out. I stopped at my bike to divert these things from the waste bin. Not shown are another three of those tacky rolls that are already keeping my door carpet from drifting towards the door.

These are absolutely the last tomatoes my vines produced in 2010. I say that with authority because after I picked them and put them on this saucer I pulled out the vines. Walking across the parking lot towards the dumpster with the large handful of carbon that had been pulled from the atmosphere on my porch as my plants, I found one last tomato in the vines. That's the one in the center of the dish.


11/2/10: This is how I  voted: Yes on 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26, B, and T. No on 23, 25, 27, A, C, and E. Duane Roberts for U. S. Senate, Laura Wells for Governor, Jimi Castillo for Lt. Governor. Christina Tobin for Secretary of State. Ross D. Frankel for Controller. Charles "Kit" Crittenden for Treasurer. Peter Allen for Attorney General. William Balderson for Insurance Commissioner. Tom Torlakson for Superintendent of Public Instruction. Sherill Borg for Board of Equalization District 1. Paul Lazaga for Representative, District 14. T. J. Campbell for Assembly, District 22. I voted for the incumbents on Mountain View's city council (Ronit and Jac). My other vote went to Greg David.  Brian Andrew Schmidt for Santa Clara Valley Water District Director, District 7.

10/16/10: I figured it was time to figure out whom to vote for for State Assembly. The LWV had a debate scheduled in Los Altos. I showed up. Turns out that the only candidate that responded was the Libertarian, Tim Campbell, so they canceled it. I'm voting Libertarian for that office!

For 10/10/10 I went to the farmers market, ate leftovers with fresh lettuce salad on the porch, rode my bike to Sunnyvale and figured out how to send a picture from a cell phone, rode home and cooked myself supper. Then I saw Gore live on TV and put this picture here.

Does it take a conspiracy theorist to think that climate crisis coalition mailing was time stamped at one of the most urgent sounding minutes of the day?