I got to the playa about Sundown on Tuesday with the rest of the first convoy of Green Tortoise busses. We had to wait going through the gate like everybody else, but that was a relatively low traffic time to show up. It was quite dark by the time we got around to putting up our tents. Fortunately there was no wind at that time, and quite a bit of moonlight. After I had my tent pitched and all my stuff in it, I crashed out for the night.


The next day was great. I wandered around soaking up the atmosphere and doing my thing. Every time I found another person that wanted a MEND YOUR FUELISH WAYS sticker I showed them the tian.greens.org on the back and said "If you want to be able to find yourself on my website you need to let me take your picture." If you're one of those people, then click the pictures on this page. You are probably on one of the pages they link to. I've arranged things more or less chronologically.



In the early morning the air is usually still on the playa. For some reason looking at art around that time at burning man makes me feel like I'm in a Dali painting somewhere. I mean there aren't elephants on stilts wandering around, but there is all kinds of other weird stuff.



We packed up and headed out Monday morning. One of the great things about going on the Green Tortoise is that they have special access that made it possible to skip the big wait in the exodus que. We were going through Gerlatch something like twenty minutes after the roll call that ended our time on the playa.

There was a lot of napping and trading addresses and general talk in the back of the bus. We stopped a couple of times. In Sparks one of us got cut on something. He had to be taken to an urgent care center in Sacramento. I got off in San Francisco not long after the last Caltrain to Mountain View had left the station. It worked out okay though. BART got me to Millbrae. I split the cab from there to Mountain View with this couple that had just gotten off an airplane from Los Angeles. All things considered, it was a relatively trouble free trip.