I would have taken a lot more pictures after this one, but I left my camera someplace and forgot where. It took me hours to find it again.


Somewhere in there I asked a woman if I could take her picture. She said "No. I'm playing hooky from being a teacher right now, and I don't want my students to know where I am." Then after a pause she said "the two scariest words in the English language are 'Miss [HerLastNameHere]'." She spoke those last two words in the tones of a whining student.


I found a small shade puddle at the end of a semi trailer that happened to be parked next to Nexus 9 on the Esplenade.  It was hot enough that offering people a minute in the shade to hear a speech was a good deal for many. The main problem with the place and time was that my camera was blinded by the light.



Cheryl came out and helped me push stickers for a while. Having her there definately helped me pull over couples.