Aime and her friend are planting food beds in back yard spots where there is plenty of light and a willing homeowner. This is one of their first spots. If you are near San Jose State and want to be part of the project as a backyard volunteer, let her know.

While we were on BART between Fremont and Berkeley it started raining. By the time we got out it was clear that the rain would continue for hours.



Zack Running Wolf explained that the Save The Oaks protest is all about connecting the past and future, keeping Earth and sky from drifting apart, and generally protecting important native habitat (the right side of Piedmont) from the bulldozer. Before he had spoken I'd thought it was all about housing half a dozen homeless that wanted to do something for humanity. After listening to Zack, my head was spinning and I got that they were warriors on a nonviolent mission to keep the developers from plundering another spot.

Zack also had stories from riding a bicycle all the way across the USA for some political cause. Another time he ran across the country. The guy must have an incredible constitution. I gave him a Montana quarter, mostly because I wanted him to know it is beautiful.


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