I find myself thinking more of the Lawrence Trade Organization (LTO), than I do of the WTO. The LTO prints Real Dollars, which at the very least is a currency with a provocative name. Below are pictures containing obverses of their bills, along with randomly connected things from my world. The paper they used it stiffer than the stuff federal reserve notes are printed on, but it does have that fiber quality that I associate with money. The other side of each bill has a keyhole on it, with the slogan UNLOCKING OUR COMMUNITY'S POTENTIAL and a picture in the same color of ink as the other side. The only other words there are Lawrence, Kansas, lto.lawrence.ks.us, and the bill's value spelled out.

Pelanthe is one of the more obscure people in American History.

The back of that banknote features a bunch of burning buildings.

A man that looks a lot like Uncle Jim points to the edge of the earth, where a ship is sailing off the cliff. He has an alarmed look on his face.

On May 19th, 2000 I gave John Trudell a Georgia quarter.

The guy on the REAL 3 DOLLAR bill is William S. Burroughs, the inventor of the adding machine.The back of the bill features a domestic housecat, the only one in my money collection.

The three species featured in the lower left icons are commonly called the human fish, spoonbill, and flying squirrel. They each have environmental groups working on their behalf in Central and Eastern Europe, according to Jernej Stritih.

Fahrenheit 451 is the only book in my collection that I know was typed on a coin operated typewriter. That was a dime for every half hour, on a machine in the basement of the UCLA library. The first draft cost $9.80 to write. Today that kind of money would get you about an hour on the word processor at Kinkos, with the power coming out of the wall instead of your fingers. One thing I love about Fahrenheit 451 is the way the story makes people want to read. I got my copy at Fahrenheit 451, a bookstore in Cambria, California.

Langston Hughes was a great Black Poet. His entry in my encyclopaedia does not even mention Kansas once. Despite that, he managed to end up on LTO's $10 bill. There is a comfortable looking home on the other side of it, through the keyhole of course.