I got to the foot of Market Street just as Critcal Mass was taking off, so I didn't get as many pictures as I wanted that would show the scale of the thing. Basically though, it was huge. There were at least thousands of people. Looking up ahead of you there was a not too densly packed throng of bicycles as far as I could see, and behind the same was true. Some people had put a lot of thought into their decorations for the event, as you can see below.

These were only a sampling of the many voices for change that I saw. Anybody who watched us go by would be left with an impression that a polical statement about the way we use energy was being made.

There were also many people who were just out to enjoy the evening, and maybe give others a smile or two.


By the time we got to San Francisco City Hall, it was really too dark to take good pictures.However, I just had to put at least one ONE LESS CAR in this collection, because they were clearly a big theme of the event.


One thing I like about Critical Mass is that there are always lots of great stickers and other visual statements there.


Above and below are things I came home with. Doing one event has a way of informing you about others.