The weather was perfect for a winter bike party. Not that cold and dry with no wind. Turned out later the count was 250 riders. There was lots of participation in the "Pajama-jama-January" theme, but I wasn't that into it for some reason. Didn't even take out my camera until I saw this twisted picture. Then I spent a while looking for creative theme participation.
Most theme participation amounted to "Wearing my lazy day clothes." Didn't want to intrude on people that did that.
Ducked out after the second regroup to the nearby light rail station. Figured that would be the easiest way to get home afterwards. While waiting at the platform Daniel came along.
That Glendale Bicycle License from 1942 was on his fathers bike back when it was needed.
The skull was one of the few things his brother sculpted out of metal during his entire life.
Half of us were from Cincinnati. What are the chances of that?
The next morning we realized we hadn't taken a picture together. We arranged out outfits and stood next to them for a picture.