Amy gave me a ride to the start. Worked out great. Thank you Amy!

There was some theme participation.


Truthfully, that sound trailer often has skulls on it. Just this month they feel on theme.

These were the biggest and smallest monsters at the event.

She's a bike party regular going way back, but not one of the ones I know well.


The leadership had several things to say.

This bike was so nice I couldn't resist putting up a picture of it. So what if the theme didn't apply?

Soon enough we rolled out.


Couldn't resist taking a few pictures while waiting at stoplights.


Once we got to Tamien I mostly roamed the regroup. One picture I had to take was this one of Rene's sons.


Did find some theme participation.


We celebrated Regina's birthday. It was fun. Thank you Jodi for the cupcake!


A good time was had by many at the event.

After it was over I rode home. It was quite late by the time I got to Castro St., but it was still a happening place. I had a bacon wrapped hot dog from one of the vendors and watched the drunks have a good time for a while.