Jenn and I were the route committee for this ride. The theme was "Groundhogs and Heartthrobs." Jenn did the artwork and Enrique added the badges.
The first thing that happened after we got there was Anthony had to install the green flag, the sign for our ride leader of the month.
The green flag has become a tradition at East Bay Bike Party. It works so well Anthony imported the idea to here. Jenn is the test case because she can ride much faster than I can. She was our fearless leader.
The usual suspects were out in force. Not shown are hundreds of people out for a good time.
This could have been most of the theme participation this month. Most people just showed up and had a good time with friends old and new.
The next morning I was still hanging with Jenn. Hosting a party for 371 of our closest friends didn't faze her at all. She did complain some about the flag banging against her heel all evening long though.