Just happy I made it to Bike Party this month.


There was some participation in the theme.


Mostly it was just friends having a good evening together and getting some exercise.

Gotta acknowledge the guys riding the trash trikes. They are doing work so we can leave no trace collectively!


Soon enough it was time to roll. Rick was our fearless leader this month.

Was trying to catch people with their feet on the ground and the light red, but the light changed on me.


There was some dancing, and there were some sights to behold. I just wandered around taking it all in.

That red lit four wheeler has been to many bike parties over the years. Still don't know much about the riders.

Maybe I ducked out a bit early from the second regroup. My knee wasn't feeling it for the dancing. Had this vague idea I'd be better off moving thataway. Ian guided me to the light rail station. Missed the train I wanted so pedaled home.

On the way home I stopped to gawk at the price of gas. Kind of amazed by that.