One by one, the Supervisors said a few words. Usually they introduced
family members and said a few nice words about how important the
occasion was.
Bob sent out an email the next day in
which he said:
Ross was received
very well, if "standing ovations" mean anything; he got the most
including being the only one
who had it at name call. Then one of the two for ending. He had many in
between. He was the only one who highlighted the significance
of Ranked Choice Vote for San Francisco, California, and the rest of
our nation. He hinted at taxes commensurate with Corporate
Earning (named PG&E) and the urgency to oppose war in Iraq for
the good of America amongst many other points that he articulated very
I remember going to a Public Power meeting near the end of 1997 at the
State Buiding across Van Ness from City Hall where Savanah Blackwell
explained that PG&E was a MAJOR corrupting factor in San Francisco
City Hall. Ross is going to need a lot of Grass Roots Support to really
take them on.
Most of the supervisors were new faces to me, and I'm sorry to say I
didn't get their names.
I think this was the guy that said we need to get our financial house
in order.
Gerardo Sandoval was the one whose words impressed me. He pointed out
that batteries are a major source of toxic leachate in landfills, and
he called on people to find ways to dispose of those that would allow
us to recycle those heavy metals instead of poisoning the future with