I met the guy behind the BUCK FUSH stickers, selling them out of a tray. I showed him the BUCK FUSH he had sold me at an anti war march before the war began. It's been on my water bottle, getting more scratched with every year that passes. He said "for that you get a free sticker." I took one with a picture of 43 snarling like a spoiled brat with the caption "WORST PRESIDENT EVER". If you want it, let me know where to mail it.








The Green Party gathered for a group shot near the rally at the end of the march. Unfortunately, the battery in my camera died at that point, so I couldn't share that with you. However, there were quite a few of us that didn't make it into the picture, but were there.

I first met
Pam Elizondo at the Green Party Convention in Wisconsin. She was working the floor with that same sign in the same T shirt. Here it is a year later, and she has only refined her technique. The flier she gave me had the headline "we need marijuana farms, not arms for gasoline", among other things. I'm hoping she gets more votes next year than she got last year.

Seeing this guy's shirt was the first I'd ever heard of the California Marijuana Party. I've not heard about them going for ballot access or anything like that.

Pink pants was one of the last people I talked to. She was nice and sweet and a treat to look at. After that, I just lay down in the grass and rested for a while. The battery in my camera was dead, and my feet were tired.