We saw a sign for a "Peoples March" on a post in San Jose about a week before this event and decided to go.
Didn't realize until later that my camera was on its last legs. (Jenn took the picture of me from her cell phone.) Took pictures of everything that caught my eye as I normally do. Please forgive the washed out colors.
There were already lots and lots of people there. It was a great day for a march.
There were many signs with Martin Luther King Jr. quotes on them. One reason is because it was Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Later in the event I saw "FACTS MATTER LIES KILL!" hanging with another sign that said "CLIMATE CHANGE IS REAL", but I never got a good picture of that.
Behind the wall of signs was an old pickup truck with a stage set up on the flatbed. I tried to listen for a while, but it just sounded like shrill voices going "Blah, blah, blah." Browsing the signs said the same things more colorfully.
By this time we were marching. My opportunities to get good shots became few and far between.
By this time my foot was killing me. Jenn and I found a place to eat and sat down for a few minutes before heading home.