In her speech Medea pushed the "anybody but Bush" line. During the Q&A I asked her what she says when David Cobb's name comes up. She said she says "I love David Cobb".

It took a month get any idea, but now I know that "NGAN HANG DIA PHU" means "remember those who have died", according to a guy at this Vietnamese place where I like to have soup noodle. Alternatively, it means "Bank in Hell", according to a Vietnamese co-worker of a guy that vigils with the Mountain View Voices for Peace that I know. If you have a better translation, please let me know.



The guy that made origami rings out of American money has a whole collection of the things. He sells them and donates the proceeds from his craftwork to the San Francisco Green Party. He had a film canister of them with him, and he said he had many other denominations at home I didn't see him make one, but he says it takes about ten minutes to make one.

Red shirt was wandering around with this sign around his neck trying to talk to people about how our whole system is based on theft, or something like that. Anyhow, he was polite and he heard me out so I figured I had to include him here.



These two pictures amount to "fun with the Governator's action figure." On the left, Circus Girl gropes the Governator. On the right, he sits on the Presidents face.

The Wisconsin Green Party T shirt was on Mike Feinstein's back. I just love the touch of other places foreign shirts give a meeting. My big regret of the weekend is that I didn't take a picture of Lynn Serpe's New Zealand Green Party pin...

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