I think this was the Green Clearinghouse table. Sanda was selling bundles of the new issue of Green Focus and those great signs that look perfect taped to the front of a voter registration table. If you haven't seen the newspaper yet and you want a copy email your address to me, and I'll put it in the mail to you.

I think this is the Humbolt County table. Now I'm wishing I'd picked up one of everything. Bound to be some good reading in an article with the headline "WE ARE ALL ADDICTED".

Saturday Arlen & Jean had their table outside, but there wasn't any traffic there and they couldn't hear what was going on in the meeting. Sunday they tabled at the side of the room where our business was conducted and I never noticed their presance. Tabling in the hall seems like a good idea to me.


The above were most of the things on the Green Internet Society table. My sticker makes sense there because GIS hosts the page you are looking at.

I was the first customer at this table on Saturday morning. I saw the green t shirts with the new message on the back and I had to have one.