Then Aimee spoke. She briefly recapped her decision to become a
conscientious objector during the first Gulf War, when she had been an
Army Medic in the reserves at Stanford. Then she talked about her deep
love for Oakland, and the need to put our families ahead of the machine
that is sucking money out of everything for the current Gulf War. She
wants to see small vibrant business districts that make sense as part
of a locally based economy. She also wants to see military recruiters
banned from school campuses. Then she thanked us all for the incredible
work we had already done, and the work we were going to do between now
and election day.
After some more free time, this troupe from a martial arts studio down
the block did an exhibition.
They were followed by some break dancers.
The break dancing exhibition was a treat
to watch. These guys took
turns dancing up a storm, and some of the moves they pulled were quite