Most things are just starting to wake up from their winter naps. The rain has been good this winter, so everywhere I see lots of green.


See those red shoots flaming out of the top of the sticks? That's the rose bush starting to grow again.

Before it really got cold I started a bag of beet seeds. Worked out to be two fields of the things for me, and plenty to give away. The ones I gave Joyce mostly just fed the birds because she didn't cover them. These ones were protected while they were still small. What a difference that makes! That green spikey puff ball of leaves behind the beets is expected to be a naked lady late in the summer. I planted rows of garlic around the beets because that seems to keep some predators away.


Not only do the narcissus have a great smell, but they look good on that side of the collard. That collard has been giving me all the collards I want to cook for many months now.

Karen's Mystery Berries have a nice wire cage to climb on. Hoping it works well for that plant this year. The fruits I got from it last year were wonderful.

The Arkansas Traveler is starting from a much bigger base of healthy looking stems than it had in previous years. Partly that's because it's stronger. Another factor is I've a better understanding of how to prune it.

I got the starts for those cabbages from Buy Nothing Mountain View. Looking forward to having big balls to harvest, but probably not by St. Patrick's Day.


That pak choi is going to seed because the other one was so delicious. Going to see if I can bring it back next year. The Pak Chois I also got from that Buy Nothing Mountain View plant swap.

Borrage is one of those things it's good to have one or two of. They are kind of big plants when grown, so you don't want that many. They put out lots of little purple flowers that the bees just adore. While they're in the area they pollinate everything else I got. Works out to a good deal on help.

This is the first time I'm going to have two arms on the grape vine. Going to see how that works out.


Had to protect my kales over the winter. Lots of hungry wildlife looking for something to eat. They nibbled this plant down to almost nothing before I put the cage around it. Since then it has been rebounding nicely. Now I get something from it on an ongoing basis, and the crops are steadily getting better.

Rain gage says I got an inch and a half of rain in the past four days. That's good for around here.