My garden plot is happy about all
the rain. It's hard to tell, partly because last fall when I
should have been planting winter crops I was being an activist
and/or hanging with Virginia. Despite that, there is a lot
happening. It's just hard to see from twelve steps back.
The collards continue to give me
lots of food. The iris patch looks healthy, I'm expecting
some beautiful flowers there in a month or so. My rain gage
contines to record three quarters of an inch of rain again. I've
been emptying it regularly, we're getting plenty of rain this
A month ago it was clear something
was eating my freshly planted cabbage plants. I figured the
problem was birds because every time I walk to my plot I see
clouds of birds running away from me. I put wire cages around the
plants. It didn't help as much as I was expecting. A few days ago
I started putting snail proof rings around some of the plants.
Clearly those are doing better than the rest now, so I'll be
adding such rings around the other plants ASAP.
Those bright green things popping up
near the knot in my border are going to be flowers real soon now.
Looking foreward to seeing them!
The grassy stuff by the hose is
garlic. I ate the last of last years crop only a month or so ago.
The basis for these is the plants I missed when harvesting those.
I saw them popping up as tufts of green. Dug those up and
separated them into individual plants. Pushed them into the ground
a few inches apart. Since then the rain has been keeping them
growing, and I'll be getting a much larger crop this time then I
got last year.
Those kale plants are my main source
of soup greens nowadays. They are going much slower than they did
last summer. Maybe I get a few ounces of leafyness a couple of
times a week. I'd love to get more, but the new plants I planted
last fall haven't grown enough to suplement them.
That's mainly because the new plants
are suffering from predation. Still working on how to protect
them, hopefully they will be growing good soon.
The fava beans and artichokes are
starting to look bushy.
The oregano plant is doing well
enough that spicing up my food is starting to feel like weeding
duty. Haven't gotten tired of too much yet!
The raspbery patch is dormant at the
moment. Most of the life of the plants is underground right now,
so I'm feeling like it would be wrong to plant something else on
top of them. I like having raspberries all summer long!