The thing my plot is bursting with right now is flowers!


To keep the roses in bloom I need to deadhead them a lot. That means rip off another handful of fragrant blooms and inhale the fragrance and toss them in the leaf litter bin. Nowadays every visitor to my plot gets to go home with as many roses as they want, at least one of everything.

Those California poppies are volunteers. Glad to have them though!


The irises that Joyce gave me last spring are thriving on neglect.

I'm getting plenty of greens for soup and so forth from these plants.


Those red roses aren't the awesome new scents I was hoping for, but they look good. Not sure what to do with them yet. Mr Tien said he was getting rid of them "because my wife has become allergic to roses." They don't bother me that way, but I want more fragrance then I've gotten from them so far.  Giving them a bit more chance though.

The sage is making the bees very happy.

The Kiwi has lots of flower balls like these. It used to have quite a few more, but I think some critter ate those before figuring the rest of them don't taste good enough to keep eating them. It was horrible remembering more balls than I'm seeing, but they continue to swell.


Some of those kiwi flowers have opened up. The male kiwi shows flowers in groups of three, so this must be a female plant. Hope that's right!


My project for the day was to plant these two tomato plants in my plot. The middle picture shows where I put them, the two watered marks closer to the wood frame in the background. Thank you Shiloh for the starts!

I planted the Gold Rush squash about a week ago. It seems to be doing well enough. Probably wants more water than I've been giving it though.

About the time I gotta go, Joyce and Gene show up to do something in their plot.