Every year I throw a party and invite everybody I know that lives around here. I start by getting the clubhouse where I live. For weeks I mention the event to everybody I know, usually including the phrase "come on down!" or words to that effect. Then I bake a bunch of food for the event.


Part of the baking this year was this Jackson Pollock cake. Unfortunately, I forgot to put it out for people. I found it when I got home after the party, cut it up and put the pieces in the freezer. Hopefully they will be good after I run out of more perishable goodies. But that's a diversion.

Every place I like to shop for food I got an extra bike load of stuff to put out at my party. I got chocolate from Trader Joes. I got beans from the Mexican store on the corner. I got cheese (and soy cheese) from the Milk Pail Dairy. I got a ham from Safeway. Part of festivus is celebrating the services I depend on. Those grocery stores are on the list for sure.

 The night of the event a lot of people came over. By the time they started showing up there was a lot of stuff on the table to eat.


I got back from a trip to the store to get ice and a lot of people were already there. I put away the camera for a while and enjoyed the company of friends.



After a while it was time for the formal part of the event. I began by acknowledging the feats of strength associated by showing up to the event without using any fossil fuels. We honored the ones (Rufus Zoe Stone, Lloyd Cha, Adina Levin, Frederick Ballo, Townie Bill, Alex, Rob Lyons, and Pei Me Reyes) that put up their hands. Then began the airing of grievances.


I asked everybody to say their name and something else. Then I started with "If you have anything to say to everybody, now is the time." Some people used their time to say something nice. Fred talked about having been to many of these parties over the years. Barry said he wants to be able to manufacture 100% local content headlights. Right now it's only possible for Barry Beams (his company) to provide 77% American made headlights. (BTW: They are great headlights. I love riding with mine.) Spencer talked about how the Green Party of Santa Clara County will be hosting the west coast regional for the world social forum this coming summer. He wants anybody that wants to help with putting it on to talk to him.


Larry talked about how happy he is to be moving into a cohousing unit soon. The event has been four years in the making.Mary Kay talked about how happy she is that Immigrant House is getting a permanent home in the park. The couple on the right behind Bill and Lani talked about having known us a total of ten minutes. They came in during the middle, friends of someone else that was already there.


Lauren had a grievance with all the pistachio shells I am responsible for leaving all over San Jose. More had come in during the first round, so we went around again and got everybody else. I think Cain was one of those.


The woman in the black and white coat in the left picture recognized my name as South African. She knew the place having grown up in Zimbabwe. For that I just had to have my picture taken with her. It's rare for me to find someone that has heard my name before they meet me. Thank you Peter for bringing such an interesting guest!



I like to think this was a rain dance. For sure they enjoyed doing it.



Some fun was had when I pointed my camera and the group that gathered for a group shot later in the evening.

Lloyd got a great version of the group shot. We had a great time.


Dora and Renee wrestled to participate in the "feats of strength". Frederick, Townie, Lloyd, and Thomas put the fun between their legs.


There was a couple of minutes there sitting on the porch where I thought maybe I could get somewhere with Laura, but I did something wrong and she wandered off. She appeared a bit later cross because her cell phone had disappeared. She left angry and it looks like that one didn't work out either. Oh well... Still had a nice evening.

The next day Rufus let it be known that he'd picked up this phone by the pool or something like that. Turns out it was Laura's so at least that problem was solved.
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