Fred wanted a
road trip to inaugurate his new Hybrid Honds Civic, so we
(Fred, Dana, Gerry, and I) carpooled to the Statewide meeting in it. I
took this picture about half way down there.

We got to the meeting as the CC was gathering to eat. The food was
vegetarian, and quite yummy.

Then they all crowded into a classroom for a meeting that had a lot on
the agenda.

The first order
business was some matter that had originally been
discussed in executive session, so they couldn't talk about what it
was. However, they could talk about talking about it, so that's what
they did. For so much time the school kicked us out before they got
around to anything else. (I'm exagerating, they did talk about a few
substantial things, but I seem to have forgotten what they were.)

Every now and
there would be a photogenic moment, but usually they
would pass before I got my camera out. For example, there was the time
they gave Jo Chamberlain a service award for all the time and effort
she has put into the Green Party, since she will be retiring from the
CC before the next meeting.

One thing I
liked was the fact that many more regions of
California were represented at the meeting then there used to be. It
was good to see people from different worlds communicating and working
together to be the Green Party of California CC. I'm hoping if there is
anything that comes up where they need to work together to move
forward, they will find the political will to do so. Seems like they
have able enough people for the job...