What the schools need is a moment of SCIENCE!   Lots of good stickers.

Some of the hard to read stickers on the red car include "Standardized healthcare costs less than corporate welfare", "America has more shopping malls than high schools", "Wal Mart: minimum wage for the whole community", "the military state is the burden, not the welfare state". Sorry, but I can't read the one that bleeds off the right edge either.

T shirt that says "Bring our troops home now" from VoteNader.org.   Dodgers fan with "Greens love LA" license plate.

The Nader shirts were MUCH more political than the Cobb shirts, which weren't very visible.

Stickers including a Cobb/LaMarche one.

Santa Cruz Greeen license plate.

T shirt that says "Revolutionaries always spoil corrupt systems".

Car rear end with stickers like "NO WAR IN IRAQ".

California license plate and a blue and a green sticker.

The Nader stickers handle the rain a lot better than that Cobb one did....

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