There was only one debate between all
of the candidates for the 18th Congressional District scheduled. That
was the League of Woman Voters thing in the Los Gatos Library. In an
effort to do what they can in service to democracy, the LWV always do
this kind of thing for every race on the ballot. Trooper that she is,
Carol Brouillet did what she could with the opportunity. Long before
people started showing up for the event, Carol had a table set up to
inform voters about what she is about.

Those are home made date bars and
peanut butter cookies. Not quite fresh enough to be warm, but fragrent,
tasty, and just the right amount of crunchy. When the debate started
Carol was the only candidate with lawn signs, fliers, and bumper
stickers to give out. She is also the only candidate working with the
viral aspects of the greenback in interesting ways. She was also the
only candidate with a looseleaf binder filled with position statements
on issues that people could be reasonably expected to ask questions
about. It's almost embarrasing to me how little effort the other
candidates were putting into their campaigns.
As the debate got under way the room
wasn't that full. Carol's race is somewhere in that sleepy zone between
the top of the ticket and the local races that the pillar of the
community types froth over. A majority of voters can be more or less
counted on to vote the party line here, so the mainstream media doesn't
really pay much attention to the race. They like that zombie voting
because it keeps them from having to waste reporters on answering
awkward questions.
The lady from the League of Women
Voters said that if you want to find out more about the race, and all
of the races on the ballot, just visit, where all of the
candidates have been asked to put their information and answer a number
of questions about their positions. You can just enter your zip code,
the program will figure out who is on your ballot from that. Then she
read a statement from Anna
Eshoo, who couldn't be with us because she is serving the district in
Washington DC and has to be there for some important vote. Then she
turned over the podium to the local dignitary that moderated the debate.
As the candidates did their opening
statements, there were still just two of them on the stage. Carol
Brouillet representing the Green Party, and William Parks representing
the Democrat Party. The Republican and the incumbent were both missing.
It was interesting to me that the only candidates that I'd seen at
Occupy Mountain View meetings were also the only candidates that showed
enough respect to the voters to show up promptly for the debate.
About 11 minutes late Dave Chapman
showed up to represent the Republican Party.
Truthfully, the Republican Candidate
wasn't the only one that was late. The room slowly filled during the
debate, and then about ten minutes before it ended the crowd slowly
started emptying. I was listening from the back of the room, so I
watched as some of the rushers left. Many of them stopped at Carol's
table and picked up a cookie on the way out.
There were many areas where all three
candidates agreed. All are pro choice. All feel that Climate Change is
a looming issue. All think the USA is too involved in military
adventures abroad. Funny enough, that's about how the people of the
district seem to feel. What a coincidence!
Carol was the only one that said "fair
trade not free trade". Dave Chapman was the only one that said "if you
calculate what defending out oil supply costs and allocate it to the
product, it would work out to $40/Bbl." He was calling for an end to
hidden subsidies for big business. Bill Parks was the only candidate
whose words I've completely forgotten in the five days between
listening to the debate and writing it up. Sorry about that.
About half way through a woman dropped
this stack of Anna Eshoo fliers on the table. Looking at this
juxtaposition, I'm having fantasies that Carol's funny money can have a
viral influence on the election.