After lunch had been going on for a while Susan announced that if you wanted vegan burritos, some were now on the food table. Then she said that Ross Mirkarimi would be speaking very soon. It wasn't long after that.


Ross began by welcoming us to San Francisco. Then he talked about a number of interesting things. My favorite was how surprised he still is about the immense response and positive feedback he'd gotten from the shoping bag legislation. It seemed like for half an hours work the world had come to his doorstep.


After he had left the stage, Ross picked up this thing and came back up. It was a surprise to everybody when he presented it to Mike as an Honor from the City of San Francisco.

Then Daniel spoke about his campaign for Congress in the Special Election caused by the death of an LA incumbent. He is the only Green running, so he could have  good chance to get the message out if the Primary isn't decisive. Even if it is, he plans to get the word out between now and the election in June. He is looking for help in his LA District.

Not too long after he finished speaking, I gave Ross a Washington quarter. Much later I found the following article in the freshly printed newspaper Don Boring gave me a bit later in the day:


The whole story reminds me of this ad I ran back during my 1992 campaign...

Allow me to plead the fifth. You won't? Okay, I've used at least one bag in this life.    3089