Patsy got those easter seal stamps (or whatever they were) in her junk mail. The translucent paper came as separators in the Christmas cards she'd been sending out. The kids (especially Katie) enjoyed making craft projects out of playing with them.


Lonnie made a special gumbo for dinner. He brought the sausage with him from Florida, where he knows a great little place to get it. He started making it the previous day so that the celery, peppers and onions could absorb the flavors of the spices over night in the soup after sauteeing. It was very good.


Lal made the rest of the meal. It was all good.

Once again, the kids borrowed my camera and took some pictures, as you can see below.



Many times the kids would show me pictures. I'd say "you cut his head off." They would giggle about what a funny idea that was. I'd chide them for getting their own fingers in the pictures. The pictures got better. They learned quick. Katie was very good about bringing the lens cloth when it was needed. I think she has been doing that job for Tonia for a while.



Somewhere in there Lonnie pulled out a magic trick. I never did figure out how he got those Leprechauns to shrink my dime.