the Global Greens is the international network of Green parties and political movements
Preamble ..............................................................................................................................2
Ecological Wisdom...........................................................................................................3
Social Justice ....................................................................................................................3
Participatory Democracy...................................................................................................3
Nonviolence .....................................................................................................................4
Respect for Diversity ........................................................................................................5
Political Action.....................................................................................................................6
2.Equity .......................................................................................................................7
3.Climate Change and Energy......................................................................................8
4.Biodiversity ..............................................................................................................9
5.Turning the tide against economic globalisation ......................................................10
6.Human rights ..........................................................................................................11
7.Food and water .......................................................................................................12
8.Sustainable planning ...............................................................................................13
9.Peace and security...................................................................................................14
10.Acting globally .......................................................................................................15
We, as citizens of the planet and members of the Global Greens,
United in our awareness that we depend on and are stewards of the Earth Õs vitality, diversity and beauty, and that it is our responsibility to pass them on undiminished to the next generation
Recognising that the dominant patterns of human production and consumption,based on the dogma of economic growth at any cost,are altering climate,degrading the environment, depleting resources,and causing a massive extinction of species
Acknowledging that injustice,poverty,ignorance,corruption,crime and violence,and armed conflict are causing widespread human suffering
Committed to closing the gap between rich and poor and building a new citizenship based on equal rights for all individuals in all spheres of social,economic and cultural life
Concerned for the dignity of humanity and the value of cultural heritage,
Recognising the rights of indigenous people and their contribution to the common heritage, as well as the right of all minorities to their culture,religion,economic and cultural life
Convinced that cooperation rather than competition is a pre-requisite for ensuring the guarantee of such human rights as nutritious food,comfortable shelter,health,education, labour,clean air,potable water and a sound environment
Assert the need for fundamental changes in our attitudes,values,and ways of living
Declare that the new millennium provides a defining point to begin that transformation
Resolve to promote an ethic of sustainability which
¥ unites humans with nature to protect and restore the integrity of the Earth Õs ecosystems, with special concern for biodiversity and the natural processes that sustain life
¥ acknowledges the interrelatedness of all ecological,social and economic processes
¥ balances individual interests with the common good
¥ harmonises freedom with responsibility,
¥ welcomes diversity within unity,
¥ reconciles short term objectives with long term goals,
Affirm our responsibility to one another,to the greater community of life,and to future generations
Commit ourselves as Green parties and political movements from around the world to implement these interrelated principles and to create a global partnership in support of their fulfilment
The policies of the Global Greens are founded upon the principles of --
Ecological Wisdom
This is the fundamental principle of the Global Greens.
We acknowledge that human beings are part of the natural world and respect the intrinsic value of all life and the rights of non-human species.
Furthermore,human society depends on the ecological resources of the planet,and must ensure the integrity of ecosystems and preserve biodiversity and the resilience of life supporting systems.
This requires
¥ that we learn to live within the ecological and resource limits of the planet
¥ where knowledge is limited,that we take the path of caution,in order to secure the continued abundance and beauty of the planet for present and future generations.
Social Justice
We assert that the key to social justice is the equitable distribution of social and natural resources,both locally and globally,to meet basic human needs unconditionally,and to ensure that all citizens have full opportunities for personal and social development.
This requires
¥ a just world order and a stable world economy which will close the widening gap between rich and poor,both within and between countries;reverse the present flow of resources from South to North;and lift the burden of debt on poor countries which prevents their development.
¥ the eradication of poverty,as an ethical,social,economic,and ecological imperative.
¥ a new vision of citizenship built on equal rights for all individuals regardless of gender, age,race,religion,class,ethnic or national origin,sexual orientation,disability,wealth or health.
Participatory Democracy
We strive for a democracy in which all citizens have the right to express their views,and are able to directly participate in the environmental,economic,social and political decisions which affect their lives;so that power and responsibility are concentrated in local communities,and devolved only where essential to higher tiers of governance.
This requires
¥ individual empowerment through access to all the relevant information required for any decision,and access to education to enable all to participate
¥ breaking down inequalities of wealth and power which inhibit participation
¥ building grassroots institutions that enable decisions to be made directly at the appropriate level by those affected,based on cooperative rather than adversarial systems which encourage civic vitality,voluntary action and community responsibility
¥ that all elected representatives are committed to the principles of transparency, truthfulness,and accountability in governance.
¥ that in all electoral systems,each person should have one vote,and all votes should be of equal value
¥ that all electoral systems should be based on proportional representation,and all elections should be publicly funded
We declare our commitment to nonviolence,the most powerful antidote to violence,and strive for a culture of peace and cooperation,as the basis of global security.
We believe that security rests not on military strength but on cooperation,sound economic and social development,environmental safety,and respect for human rights.
This requires
¥ a comprehensive concept of global security,which takes into account social,economic, ecological,psychological and cultural aspects involved in conflict,instead of one based on military balances of power;
¥ a global security system capable of the prevention,management and resolution of conflicts;
¥ removing the causes of war by understanding and respecting other cultures,eradicating racism and ending global poverty;
¥ pursuing general and complete disarmament including international agreements to ensure a complete ban of nuclear,biological and chemical arms and anti-personnel mines;
¥ strengthening the UN as a global organisation of conflict management and peacekeeping.
We recognise the limited scope for the material expansion of human society within the biosphere,and the need to maintain biodiversity through sustainable use of renewable and non-renewable resources.
We believe that to achieve sustainability,continuing exponential growth in global consumption,population and material inequity must be halted,in order to provide for the needs of present and future generations within the finite resources of the earth.
This requires
¥ that the rich limit their consumption in order to allow the poor their fair share of the earth's resources
¥ population growth to be curtailed by a variety of means including increasing women's control over their lives and fertility and ensuring basic economic security for all; sustainability will not be possible as long as poverty persists
¥ creating a global economy which aims to satisfy the needs of all,not the greed of a few; and enables those presently living to meet their own needs,without jeopardising the ability of future generations to meet theirs
¥ curtailing the global power of the military-industrial-financial complex embodied in the multinationals,and creating international organisations to promote fair trade rather than free trade
¥ implementing mechanisms to tax and regulate speculative financial flows
¥ achieving greater resource and energy efficiency and development and use of environmentally sustainable technologies.
¥ redefining the concept of wealth,to focus on quality of life rather than capacity for over-consumption
¥ encouraging local self-reliance to the greatest practical extent,to create worthwhile satisfying communities.
Respect for Diversity
We honour cultural,ethnic,racial,sexual,religious and spiritual diversity within the context of individual responsibility toward all beings.
We defend the right of all persons,without discrimination,to an environment supportive of their dignity,bodily health,and spiritual well-being
We promote the building of respectful,positive and responsible relationships across lines of division in the spirit of a multi-cultural society
This requires
¥ recognition of the rights of indigenous peoples to the basic means of their survival,both economic and cultural,and to the achievement of land rights and self determination;and acknowledgment of their contribution to the common heritage of their national culture
¥ recognition of the rights of minorities to develop their culture,religion and language without discrimination,and to full legal,social and cultural participation in the democratic process
¥ equity between women and men in all spheres of social,economic and cultural life
Political Action
1.0 The majority of the world Õs people live in countries with anti-democratic regimes where corruption is rampant and human rights abuses and press censorship are commonplace.First world democracies suffer less apparent forms of corruption through corporate political funding and electoral systems that discriminate against new and small parties.
The Greens
1.1 Have as a priority to encourage and support grassroots movements working for democratic,transparent and accountable government,at all levels from local to global.This includes establishing and supporting Green parties and Green political movements.
1.2 Strongly support giving young people a voice through the freedom,education and positive encouragement to participate politically
1.3 Will assist other Green parties and movements including by providing observers at elections to help ensure that they are free and fair;encouraging non-resident voters to enrol and vote Green in their home countries.
1.4 Urge immediate ratification of the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business
1.5 Uphold the right of citizens to have access to official information and to free and independent media.
1.6 Will work for universal access to electronic communications and information technology,beginning with basic forms such as radio,and community-based internet and email.
1.7 Support the public funding of elections,with all donations to be publicly disclosed and a cap on donations from any single corporation or person.
1.8 Will challenge corporate domination of government,especially where citizens are robbed of their right to political participation.
2.0 The differences in living standards and opportunities in the world today are intolerable.Third world debt is at an all time high of $2.5 trillion,while OECD countries give just 0.23%of GNP in aid.The richest 20% of the world Õs population has over 80% of the income while 1.2 billion people live in poverty (on less than a dollar a day).125 million children never attend school and 880 million can neither read nor write --more than two- thirds of these are women as are 60%of the poor.Population growth has slowed but is still expected to add another 2 3 billion people by 2050.HIV and TB infections are increasing.
The Greens
2.1 In developed countries,pledge to donate at least 1%of their group Õs income to support Greens in less well off countries,and to work for government aid to be increased to 1%of GDP.
2.2 Support aid funding being directed to the poorest of the poor,especially to women, with the priorities being determined through working with local communities.
2.3 Will work to improve the rights,status,education and political participation of women.
2.4 Commit ourselves to the goal of making high quality primary education universal by 2015,financed through increased aid and debt relief.
2.5 Will work for cancellation of third world debt,and support the use of incentives to ensure that savings from debt relief are channelled into poverty reduction,and that transparent and accountable processes are in place with participation from affected communities.
2.6 See concerted action to combat the HIV-Aids epidemic as a priority,especially in Africa,where a twofold effort is needed to curb the spread of the disease and to restore economic progress,especially through education.
3.Climate Change and Energy
3.0 Nine of the ten warmest years on record were in the 1990s;the level of CO2 in the atmosphere is higher than at any time in the last 15 million years;the frequency of climatic disasters is increasing,killing and displacing millions of people;widespread bleaching and death of coral reefs which first occurred in 1998 will become commonplace within 20 years.
Scientists from the International Panel on Climate Change state that global warming is real, and that human action is causing a substantial fraction of the change.The Earth is expected to warm by a further 1-5 °C this century,and sea level rise already induced will continue for the next 500 years.Climate catastrophe looms unless we act now.
The Greens
3.1 Adopt the target of limiting CO2 levels in the atmosphere to 550 ppm (twice pre-industrial levels),and note that this will mean that developed countries have to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by around 90%(to 10%of 1990 levels)within 20 50 years..
3.2 Urge ratification of the Kyoto Protocol,provided that the implementation rules lead to real emission reductions by developed countries.
3.3 Will work hard to ensure that developing countries have access to the most efficient, sustainable and appropriate technology,with a strong focus on renewable energy.
3.4 Oppose any expansion of nuclear power and will work to phase it out rapidly.
3.5 Oppose clearing and logging of old growth forests,noting that they are the most carbon rich ecosystems on the planet,vital to Indigenous people,rich in plants and animals, and irreplaceable in any human time scale.
3.6 Promote the use of carbon taxes and the use of funds raised to promote energy efficiency and renewable energy.
4 Biodiversity
4.0 Ecosystems are essential to human life,yet we destroying the relationship between nature and society.Extinction rates are 100 to 1000 times higher than in pre-human times; only 20%of the Earth Õs original forests remain in large relatively undisturbed tracts; of fish stocks are in danger of being overfished;invasions by non-native plants,animals and diseases are growing rapidly.Habitat destruction and species extinction are driven by industrial and agricultural development which also exacerbates climate change,global inequity and the destruction of Indigenous cultures and livelihoods.
The Greens
4.1 Will vigorously oppose environmentally destructive agricultural and industrial development and give primary effort to protecting native plants and animals in situ,and wherever possible in large tracts.
4.2 Will work to remove subsidies for environmentally destructive activities,including logging,dams and mining.
4.3 Will promote ecological purchasing policies,for products such as wood,based only on the most rigorous definition of sustainability backed by credible labelling.
4.4 Support the concept of Ôdebt for nature Õ swaps,,subject to the agreement of affected Indigenous and local communities.
4.5 Note that reducing the transport of goods around the world,in line with a preference for local production where possible,will have the added benefit of reducing Ôbioinvasions Õ.
4.6 Commit to promote a global ecology curriculum for all levels of education.
5.Turning the tide against economic globalisation
5.0 Fifty of the 100 biggest economies in the world today are corporations.With compliant governments,they have created a legal system which puts free trade above every other good,protects corporate welfare but attacks social welfare,and makes national economies subservient to a global financial casino that turns over $US1.3 billion per day in speculative transactions.But the tide is turning.The Multilateral Agreement on Investment was defeated;in democratic countries international financial institutions can meet only under siege conditions;the reputation of the World Bank and IMF is in tatters.
The Greens
5.1 Affirm that essentials of life such as water,must remain publicly owned and controlled;that the patenting of life (human,animal or plant)must be banned;and that culture,food,public health,education,and a free media are not Ôcommodities Õ to be subjected to international market agreements.
5.2 Support combining UNEP,UNDP and the Global Environment Facility into a single institution with funding and sanctions to promote global sustainable development.The decisions of this body should have precedence over those of the WTO.
5.3 Support abolition of the WTO unless it is reformed to make sustainability its central goal,supported by transparent and democratic processes and the participation of representatives from affected communities.We oppose the Millennium Round or any new Round of Comprehensive Trade Negotiations,and require a sustainability impact assessment of earlier Rounds before any new steps are taken.
5.4 Support abolition of the World Bank and IMF unless they are reformed so that their membership and decision-making are democratic,and their operations subservient to sustainability principles.
5.5 Will work to implement a Tobin Tax to curb speculative currency transactions and help encourage investment in the real economy.
5.6 Will work to require corporations to abide by the environmental,labour and social laws of their own country and of the country in which they are operating,whichever are the more stringent
5.7 Want corporate welfare made transparent and subject to the same level of accountability as social welfare,with subsidies to environmentally destructive activities phased out altogether.
6.Human rights
6.0 Denial of human rights and freedoms goes hand in hand with poverty and political powerlessness.Millions suffer discrimination,intimidation,arbitrary detention,violence and death.Three-quarters of the world Õs governments have used torture in the last three years.
The Greens
6.1 Endorse the Universal Declaration of Human Rights,the International Covenant on Economic,Social and Cultural Rights,the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and other international instruments for the protection of rights and freedoms.We believe that these rights are universal and indivisible and that national governments are responsible for upholding them.We will work to ensure that the UN Commission for Human Rights and other treaty bodies are adequately resourced.
6.2 Will work with local communities to promote awareness of human rights and to ensure that the UN Commission for Human Rights and other treaty bodies are adequately resourced.
6.3 Uphold the right of women to make their own decisions,free from discrimination or coercion,and will work to have the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women ratified,to remove reservations,and to bring the Optional Protocol into force.
6.4 Support the right of Indigenous peoples to self-determination,land rights,and access to traditional hunting and fishing rights and support moves for Indigenous people to set up and work through their own international bodies.
6.5 Demand that torturers are held accountable and will campaign for them to be brought to justice,in their own countries or elsewhere.
6.6 Uphold the right of workers to safe,fairly remunerated employment,with the freedom to unionise,regardless of age,race or gender.
6.7 Call for governments to ensure that all asylum-seekers have access to fair processes, are not arbitrarily detained,and are not returned to a country where they might suffer violations of their fundamental human rights.
7.Food and water
7.0 Around 800 million people remain undernourished,not because we have insufficient food but because of unequal access to land,water,credit and markets.Genetically modified organisms are not the solution,because of their risks to the environment,independent smaller farmers,and consumers.Water shortages loom,both in above-ground systems and aquifers.Deforestation of catchments takes a devastating toll in landslides and floods,while desertification and degradation are expanding.A bright spot is the rapid growth of organic agriculture.
The Greens
7.1 Consider that access to clean water for basic needs is a fundamental right,and oppose the privatisation of water.
7.2 Will work to eliminate water subsidies and make water use more efficient.
7.3 Consider that the stability of catchments and the health of river systems is paramount,and will work with the people directly affected to stop the degradation of rivers, including new large dams and irrigation projects,and deforestation of catchments.
7.4 Will work with local communities in arid and semi-arid regions,where climate is dominated by uncertainty,to reduce land degradation.
7.5 Will support and promote organic agriculture.
7.6 Will work to ensure that scientific research is conducted ethically and applied in accordance with the precautionary principle.
7.7 Call for an international moratorium on the commercial growing of genetically modified crops for at least five years,pending research and debate,and establishment of regulatory systems including company liability for adverse effects.
7.8 Will work to ensure that food is safe,with stringent regulations on production, storage and sale.
8.Sustainable planning
8.0 Consumption in industrialised countries is excessive by any measure,and largely responsible for environmental decline people in western countries use 9 times as much paper as in the South;and have 100 times as many cars per capita as China and India,for example.Changing to a green economy,which mimics ecological processes,eliminates waste by re-using and recycling materials and supplies services rather than goods,promises new jobs and industry with less pollution,better work environments and a higher quality of life.
The Greens
8.1 Promote measures of wellbeing rather than GDP to measure progress.
8.2 Support local planning for sustainable business,housing,transport,waste management,parks,city forests,public spaces,and will establish links between Greens at local and regional level around the planet to exchange information and support.
8.3 Consider that citizens of countries affected by a development should have the right to participate in decisions about it,regardless of national boundaries.
8.4 Support corporations and communities being responsible for their own waste,aiming for a zero waste economy.
8.5 Work to reduce vehicle use and urban pollution by opposing ever-expanding freeways and integrating land use planning with public transport,bicycles and pedestrianisation.
8.6 Work to create socially responsible economic strategies,using taxes and public finance to maximise incentives for fair distribution of wealth,and eco-taxes to provide incentives to avoid waste and pollution.
8.7 Promote socially responsible investment and ecological marketing so that consumers can make positive choices based on reliable information.
9.Peace and security
9.0 The causes of conflict are changing,the distinctions between war,organised crime and deliberate large-scale abuses of human rights are disintegrating,and the arms trade is growing and globalising,exempt from WTO rules against subsidies.As a global network, we have a vital role to play in strengthening the links between community organisations working for human rights and peace,and supporting and shaping the emerging concepts and institutions of global governance.
The Greens
9.1 Support strengthening the United Nations (UN)as a global organisation of conflict management and peacekeeping,while,noting that,in the case of failure of prevention measures and in situations of structural and massive violations of human rights and/or genocide,the use of force cannot be excluded,provided that it is under a mandate from the UN or one of its regional organisations.
9.2 Will campaign for greater power for countries of the South in the UN,including by increasing the number of states with permanent membership of the Security Council.
9.3 Support the proposed International Criminal Court and permanent war crimes tribunals.
9.4 Will work to regulate and reduce the international arms trade (including banning nuclear,biological and chemical arms and anti-personnel mines)and bring it within the ambit of a reformed WTO.
9.5 Will help strengthen existing peace programs and forge new programs that address all aspects of building a culture of peace,including a publicly funded Department of Peace in every country.
10.Acting globally
10.0 We are independent organisations from diverse cultures and backgrounds who share a common purpose and recognise that,to achieve it,we must act globally as well as locally.
The Greens
10.1 Will work co-operatively to implement the Global Greens Charter.
10.2 Will support the development of Green parties and political movements around the world.
10.3 Will avoid sources of finance which conflict with our vision and values.
10.4 Will strengthen our links with like-minded community organisations.
10.5 Will support each other personally and politically with friendship,optimism and good humour (and not forget to enjoy ourselves in the process!).