This is what I call a state of the art bike rack. The tubes to attach your bike lock to are the right height and spacing, and the whole thing is strong enough to have credibility. Such things are still too rare.

With deepest apologies to Gil Scott-Heron

"The Revolution Will Not Be Motorized"

You will not be able to drive thru, brother.

You will not be able to drive in, fill up, and cruise out.

You will not be able to lose yourself on the strip,

Cruise the strip while taking calls on the cell.

Because the revolution will not be motorized.

The revolution will not be motorized.

The revolution will not be brought to you by Chevron

With three levels of octane and free cups for the kids.

The revolution will not show you pictures of Henry Ford

Blowing a bugle and leading a charge of raging SUVs

yearning to park at strip malls and walk only on concrete

while dreaming dreams of a better land with more free parking.

The revolution will not be motorized.

The revolution will not be brought to you

by the stockholders of Royal Dutch Shell or Exxon.

The revolution will not put a tiger in your tank.

The revolution will not satisfy your sexual needs

with more horsepower and less gas mileage.

The revolution will not come with fine Corinthian leather,

because the revolution will not be motorized, Brother.

There will be no pictures of you and Willie May

driving a stolen BMW down the block

or trying to fill your tank for under $1 per gallon.

Now one will be able to predict the winner at any time

or report from countless severed neighborhoods

yearning to throw off the weight of too much asphalt.

The revolution will not be motorized.

There will be no pictures of OJ

riding in a white Ford Bronco in the instant replay.

There will be no pictures of OJ

riding in a white Ford Bronco in the instant replay.

There will be no pictures of Michael Moore

chasing the head of GM around with a microphone.

There will be no slow motion or still life of your car,

or any car, rolling freely down an open road,

carefree and happy.

BP, Exxon, Chevron, shell, GM, Toyota, and all the rest

will no longer be so damned relevant.

No one will care about the size of your engine,

or your wheels, or your back seat,

because people will be tearing up the asphalt,

looking for a brighter day.

The revolution will not be motorized.

There will be no highlights on the eleven o'clock news

and no pictures of angry motorists

and cyclists fighting each other

over a bit of roadway.

The theme song will not be written

by the ad men from Madison Avenue

and it will not have a catchy phrase

that tells you to buy a bigger house,

further from everyone else.

The revolution will not be motorized.

The revolution will not roll down its power windows,

light its cigarette from the dashboard,

or pollute your air with carbon monoxide.

The revolution will not kill people for profit.

The revolution will not make war for oil.

The revolution will not put you in the driver's seat.

The revolution will not be motorized,

will not be motorized,

will not be motorized,

will not be motorized.

The revolution will not run on gasoline.

The revolution will not be motorized.

The revolution will live!

TIME, APRIL 9, 2001 (Page 39, bottom left corner)

My mother suggested I put this picture here.