One of the most coveted souvineers of Burning Man is the Alien Monkey Love Nest (AMLN) necklace.  To get one, you have to stand in front of the crowd and do something to entertain the crowd there. People did all kinds of things. I took these pictures while I was waiting in line for my turn to "be the entertainment". The woman with the rug rat was the last person who was allowed to entertain by telling a joke. She was followed by a family that entertained us with a tune done by synchronized armpit farting.


The young woman shared a poem she had written with us. It was a touching call for world peace.

This group had a wonderful drinking song type corus that went something like "I used to work in a Department Store in Chicago, and now I don't work there any more." Each of them had a verse to sing solo, which boiled down to a story about how they lost their job. One of them screwed a customer, another took something home, all brought laughs from the crowd and another round of the corus. At first I thought they were weird, but the longer they went at it, the more I got into it. A great show.

This was by far the largest single group of people that heard my speech at the same time, assisted by the AMLN sound system.





My impression is that the main thing the Sherrif did was catch people smoking marijuana. When that happened he would give them a $250 ticket and confiscate the weed. People only want to go through that experience once.


Inside the yellow dome, the light was very yellow. It was a big room, with carpeted floor and lots of pillows. Lots of people were giving each other massages and relaxing or napping.



The woman looking through her bicycle had first gotten one of my stickers at a previous Burning Man. Unfortunately, that one was deteriorating. I was happy to give her this one. It gives me a warm feeling to meet someone who has had my sticker on her bike for a long time that still likes it. I'm hoping I'll remember her next time I see her.