I spent Tuesday morning wandering the playa, looking for interesting sights and people. The first thing I came across was this spiral thing, across the street from the Group W bench. Inside it was this logo and the woman with the great smile. Later in the week I was wishing I could get another chance to talk to her, but it never happened.


This guys shade structure was decorated with all sort of weird things hanging from the support. After I talked to him a bit he invited me to add one of my stickers to the decor someplace, so I picked this SPAM can.

There were quite a few people that came to the event in buses powered by biodiesel. This was the first one of those I was up close and personal with.


For some reason more people than I am used to wanted their picture taken with me. I rather enjoyed this. I hope your monitor doesn't break.




That purple dot in the brown blob (Black Rock Desert) above Gerlatch and Empire in the map is Black Rock City. This map was on the side of the BLM camper near center camp.

This guy gave me a stock certificate just like the one he is holding. Unfortunately, I lost it before I got home. He gave me the impression it was really worth something.  


The message from the aliens of Saturnia was that our democracy is in trouble.

   Woman in brown bikini bottom, sunglasses and shade hat poses in front of a blue tarp with a MEND YOUR FEULISH WAYS sticker.