This is the truck with most of our stuff in it. We spent the entire day Saturday loading it, going from storage locker to driveway to driveway getting everything. Still to go are the bicycles, coolers, and a few other minor items. When we were done it was a miracle that the door closed.

I met this woman while waiting in line to enter Black Rock City. She was hanging out by the ticket booth with $5 in her pockets hoping somebody would come along with a spare ticket she could afford. She was my first Playa being of the weekend.

Late Sunday afternoon. It felt good to finally get out knowing that the truck wouldn't have to move for a week. .

We had enough setup done by dark that the scene looked very different.

At this point we had dinner. I shared a batch of freshly boiled peanuts, which I had cooked after we loaded the truck.

This was my best effort to get the full moon. After I took this picture I had my best nights sleep in many days. It was good to be back in Black Rock City.