One of the things the TransDimensionalMystic brought to Burning Man was an inflatable doll version of President Bush. For a while on the first day we were there he would explain to people that dropped by "I'm trying to build parallels between Clinton and Bush." He would point to this cartoon doll and explained that since Bush is the current President, he needs a blow job. Funny enough he got plenty of takers, but for some reason most of them didn't want to be photographed in the act. Unfortunately I wasn't able to show you a woman in a blue dress in the act. Please use your imagination.

After some work, the guys ego was fully inflated.



I didn't hang around for the whole story, but I know from what little I saw that the TDM had no trouble finding people with something to say to the President. Later in the week the guy sprung a leak and just couldn't keep it up any more. I thought that was the end of it until I started listening to my friends stories about what he had gone through. A couple of days after I got home, I found the following letter from the guy in my email:


A simple but painful way to defeat Bush

I found a simple but painful way to change the minds of those on the fence and those who are inclined to vote for Bush. I had a vinyl blow up BOPBUSH punching bag; five feet tall and was asking others to BOP BUSH. A soccer family of three biked by, father, son and soccer mom. The father gave Bush a wimpy punch, I said we are not going to beat him like that, but he went back to his bike. So I asked the soccer mom if she wanted to hit Bush, she declined. What happened next is critical.

I said to her "I am going to tell you one word that will change everything. It will hurt. It will hurt me to tell you."

She said "go ahead."

I pointed at the boy and said "draft."

She told her son to beat on Bush. He did a much better job than his dad.

A few minutes later I spoke to another woman and told her the story. She had sons 18 and a 20 year old. We cried together.  That's how powerful the draft issue is. The word draft is a knife to the heart of a parent or anyone who has a loving relationship with a young person.  There is a bill in congress to re-instate the draft next June. America's parents are in denial about the possibility of a draft.

It's not whether Bush or Kerry favors the draft; it's a matter of who causes the demand for the most draftees.  If you want to defeat Bush, get to those on the fence and those who are inclined to vote for Bush and tell them this story. Be gentle and hug them. It will hurt to tell it to them particularly if they are dear to you. You too will feel the pain.

The draft can trump abortion. I told a 20 year old the story and she said she will tell her religious aunt whose church is telling her to vote for Bush, based on the one issue. She will ask her aunt, to choose between an unborn fetus and her nieces and nephews.

I have related this story to dozens of people, several have cried with me and most have pledged to spread the word to the hearts of others who have loving relationships with the children in jeopardy. Think of DRAFT as a dagger to a parent's heart, use it gently. We can't let Bush win. Please spread the word to others who want to defeat Bush.
