Usually around sunup I'm still asleep. However, at Burning Man on Friday morning, that's when the Group W sunrise cocktail party and carcass inhaling event happens. How could anybody miss that? I showed up.

Several hours later the party was still going strong. The next day the TransDimensionalMystic told me about somebody who showed up at 5 PM that had almost missed the event. A good time was had by all.



On the left, party guests participating in my thing. On the right, Group W regulars at the Group W bar.

Parties are nice and all that, but I like to talk to people one at a time. I went back to wandering the playa looking for eye candy...




The woman shaking my hand said she is a reporter. I promised if she ever writes anything about my efforts I'd post it in my kitchen.



These pictures were taken about half an hour apart. Notice that the dust has kicked up in the second one. The longer it blows, the less luck I have finding people that want to hang out in public. Funny how that works.


I went into Center Camp where they were doing open mike on one of the stages. The woman shown at left was baring her heart, and it was great. The guy in the "B" shirt was the host, and he let me have a minute to share my little speech with people. After that I went back to wandering the playa. The weather had cleared.



That was about when my battery died. You have to use your imagination to guess what else happened that day.