I was going to ask why they needed a subway stop on the playa, but I forgot to.






I talked to one woman who responded to my little speech by reading me this poem. When she asked "what will become of the seventh generation?" I had to share it with you. All I photographed of her was her writing. I like how the neat writing is laid out in neat writing.

Some comedian had lit the man on fire during the eclipse. In my wandering I stopped to take a picture of the burned out husk. MrLiver, who got the scoop from the DMV, said that BurningMan.org was getting another one built at a furious pace. They were having a lot of wood cut and delivered, and they were paying rush prices for all of it. Hearing that story I got that sinking feeling "he burned up burning man's profit margin."


Seems to me that plain playa is a pleasingly textured surface.