We were loading the truck for Burning Man. TDM's wife and daughter dropped by to say "Hi!"


Yup. We stopped for a few minutes. Then we went back to packing the truck.

Not too long after this picture was taken we headed for BURNING MAN.

We were among the first people to use the new bridge across the Carquines Straights. It was completely bump free!


I'm not sure why we stopped in Auburn, but we only stopped long enough to use the bathroom and meet a native or two.

It was easy to tell some of the cars going to Burning Man. The packed to the gills cars with suspensions bottoming out because of all the water and bikes on the back were surely going to the playa.


We got as far as Fernley, Nevada before stopping for the night. The idea was to show up at Burning Man early in the day on Monday, with plenty of time to find a good location and set up camp before the end of the day. The next morning when we woke up CNN was going on and on about Gonzalez resigning from the Justice Department.


The time stamp on the original picture of the sign at the edge of the playa was 12:12, so we hit fairly close to our planned schedule for that. Unfortunately we had to spend some time waiting in line before we got to the ticket gate.

The greeters made everybody that was new to Burning Man ring the bell before they left the gate. Among our crew, Barry and Nancy had to do it. I only got my license to photograph (#2442) in time to get Nancy from this angle.


My plan for Burning Man was to tell people I was "running for Green Man on a platform of 'we need to stop voting for oil companies at the gas pump'." Then I was going to offer them a sticker "to help me get the word out." The takers I offered to take pictures of so they could "find themselves in cyberspace on my website." Those that liked that idea are on these pages.


These were people living in neighboring campsites. The woman in the black halter top above gave me the blue shirt you see me in above. It was recycled clothing, meaning she had gotten it and printed the burning man on it. Talking to her later, I found out that she is really into clothing. Her campsite was next to ours, but we didn't see much of each other until near the end of the event. Then I found out that she was really neat.


There was a sprinkling of applause around Black Rock City at the end of the dramatics as the sun set behind that mountain.


Not so long after the sun set, the moon rose...


These were playa beings exploring that came by our campsite. I don't think I did much wandering around that day. Too much unpacking that needed to be done.


After I got my campsite set up I went to bed. I woke up a few hours later and took some pictures of the eclipse.


You can see that MrLiver's camera (Screen shot on right) had a better zoom feature than mine. Either way, the moon was clearly in an eclipsed state.