I got there after it started. He was talking about how Jared Ball had been in the Navy during the Desert Storm time frame.  Since then he has gotten an advanced education specializing in journalism and media matters. When he started on this campaign he had been active in the DC Hip-Hop community as a DJ with a show on WPFW 89.3, and he decided to do it to bring attention to the role of exploitation in our system and to help build the Green Party.



He used this Dollar Density chart to back up the idea that a lot of the world's elite are from the USA. They have so much money that they are able to shape the outcome of many aspects of everyday life that an untrained eye would think are subject to free will. For example, the Universal Music Group has so much money that they can stage "contests" between famous acts to find out whose fans will vote more dollars into the record store cash drawers.


It was easy to see that whomever sold more records, 50 Cent or Kayne West, UMG was the big winner. Head Roc drew parallels between this and the role of the gray puppet masters behind the Commission on Presidential Debates. They win whichever puppet we vote for.


Maybe Head Roc was bringing attention to the 13th Amendment to point out that artists are "money slaves" to the big three record companies. Maybe he was pointing out that the prison industrial complex takes advantage of that "as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted" loophole to get a slave workforce by making drug use illegal and busting people for it. Anyhow, both ideas were mentioned. The thing is, since the "Big 3" own so much of the music marketplace, they have a lot of leverage when it comes to negotiating artist contracts. Maybe even an unconstitutional amount.

This results in Stars saying things that seem to obviously be what the money wants them to say, and probably not exactly what the truth on the ground is.

The answer is a populist movement with real ballot box credibility.

It needs to be grounded in the principals that Dr. King fought and died for.

For more information visit JaredBall.com by clicking here.