Once a year, usually the third Friday in September, Park(ing) day is celebrated by activists that want to take the street back from the cars. This involves taking over a parking spot and making something fun out of it. San Jose went for it in a much bigger way than last year, but I got there way too late to do a good job capturing it in pixels.


The Library that someone had set up in this spot was being disassembled when I took this picture.



I spent some time hanging out with the people vigiling for peace in front of the MLKJr. Library. They are there every Friday from 5 to 6 PM. Lots of interesting information about what's going on in international politics there.

The guy in the orange shoes explained that he had gotten his "80's look" from searching pictures of the decade on the internet. Since it was the first "80's look" I saw I had to photograph it.

The guy with the bronze colored fixie took me on a tour of the thing. Click his picture for that.


Not long after that the pre-ride from City Hall got headed for Bike Party's start. We stopped at a store where Carlos explained that he was riding an '80s bike. Ha! Another 80s sighting. :-)


Montana was a hot name in this area for the entire 80s! He made football a joy to watch. Plus there was the "we made history" feeling of having our team win Superbowls one after another! Amazing how much it added to the decade.


Bob was back from Arizona for just the weekend or something like that. He planned the visit so he could ride with us again, among other things. Good to see you again Bob!



I had that coat to back then. Didn't rock the sunglasses so well though.

I found a woman selling '80s cup cakes off a table behind her car. Just had to get the Prince one!


The Jane Fonda workout look was very popular! The only thing more popular was guys wearing T shirts and jeans over sneakers. I didn't take many pictures of those because I can't tell them from today's look.


80s bikes were also common.


Cassette tapes were so 80s!

I doubt the dog trailer had anything to do with the '80s, but it looked well thought out. The dog didn't mind at all.

On the way home I took light rail to Tasman and then pedaled the rest of the way. Passing the new 49er stadium I noticed that it has stopped growing. Still looks different every time I go by, but not in the dramatic ways it was changing when they started building it.