Election Funraiser! 9/29/06! Come on down! The bulk of defining my message is behind me, the bulk of the voter outreach is still ahead, and it's time to celebrate...

When: anytime between 7 PM and 10 PM, Friday September 29th, 2006.

Where: the clubhouse at 505 Cypress Point Drive in Mountain View.

Bring: whatever you want. I'm going to provide some beer and some chips and salsa. Bring anything you really want to have.  I will be giving a speech at some point, and probably passing the hat, but there is no obligation. If you want to be added to the speaker list let me know when you show up. There is also a (smallish) pool, a hot tub, a sauna, a ping pong table, and a pool table. It's one of those "the more the merrier" kind of things.

Map notes: The junction of 85 and 101 in Mountain View is easy to find on almost any regional map.

Directions from the CalTrain/VTA station: Walk north (towards SF) along the tracks, past the train station building to Castro Street. Turn right and cross Central Expressway, where the road becomes Moffett Blvd. Walk to the second light, which is Cypress Point Drive, maybe a quarter of a mile. Go right on Cypress Point Dr. Just past the third driveway on the right is the clubhouse.

Directions from 101: Take Moffett Blvd. Exit towards downtown Mountain View. Go left at the light for Cypress Point Drive. The clubhouse is about half way to the end of the street on the right, with a big sign that says "505 Cypress Point" outside it.

Directions from 85: Take Moffett Blvd. Exit towards downtown Mountain View. Go left at the light for Cypress Point Drive. The clubhouse is about half way to the end of the street on the right, with a big sign that says "505 Cypress Point" outside it.

for more information please call [(650) 964-6481] or
                     email [tnharter (circle a) ispwest (period) com] (me)
I plan to show up in an interesting T-shirt and jeans.