This coming Saturday evening! January 21st! Come on down and meet our local Green Party Candidate(s)!....

When: 7 PM, speeches and so forth start at 7:30 sharp.

The idea is to give prospective candidates a forum to announce what they are doing, and gather signatures from other Greens.

Where: the clubhouse at 505 Cypress Point Drive in Mountain View.

Bring: whatever you want. Carol Brouillet promises to bring a campaign speech, some good food, and her nominating petitions. Other (at least greenish) candidates are welcome, but haven't RSVP'd or they would be on this page here.

The red pointer on the map is almost a centemeter to the left of where it should be on my display.
The junction of 85 and 101 in Mountain View is easy to find on almost any regional map.

Directions from the CalTrain/VTA station: Go north along the tracks, past
the train station building to Castro Street. Turn right and cross Central
Expressway, where the road becomes Moffett Blvd. Walk to the second
light, which is Cypress Point Drive, maybe a quarter of a mile. Go right on
Cypress Point Dr. Just past the third driveway on the right is the clubhouse.

Directions from 101: Take Moffett Blvd. Exit towards downtown Mountain View.
Go left at the light for Cypress Point Drive. The clubhouse is about half way
to the end of the street on the right, with a big sign that says "505 Cypress
Point" outside it.

Directions from 85: Take Moffett Blvd. Exit towards downtown Mountain View.
Go left at the light for Cypress Point Drive. The clubhouse is about half way
to the end of the street on the right, with a big sign that says "505 Cypress
Point" outside it.

Questions: please call [(650) 964-6481] or email [tnharter (circle a) aceweb (period) com] me
199 for more information. I plan to show up in a nice T-shirt, a coat for the outdoor chill, and jeans.