Phil explained that even if they are never exploded over a target, nuclear weapons still kill lots of people. He estimated that something like 50,000 to 200,000 Americans have been killed or given death sentances by cancer caused by being exposed to nuclear radiation that was directly caused by our nuclear programs. He urged people to visit to find out how to do something about it.

The MC introduced many speakers not shown here. She gave us some biographical info on each of them and kept things moving quite well. My only suggestion for the organizers to improve things would be to add a break or two to the program so that the polite people could mix a bit.


I didn't catch the name of that young Japanese woman. She explained that her grandmother had been an atomic bomb survivor. Her grandmother hadn't talked much about the experience, just telling the story a few times. However, she had heard enough about the experience to know she "didn't need to see one for myself to know it happened."


I think the Brown Angel was the only speaker that took the time to acknowledge the earth and sky for their role in making today possible. He was a very dynamic speaker.

Tara thanked us all for showing up, and asked us to give money to help defray the costs of the event.