"The Democrats can prove that everybody who voted for Ralph Nader was right." - A Molly Ivans peice.

I read that piece by Molly Ivins. It is excellent. She tells it like it is:

"The Democrats in the U.S. Senate have an unusual opportunity coming up in the next few weeks. One could even call it unique, if unique were not a forbidden word in newspapers. The Democrats can prove that everybody who voted for Ralph Nader was right...

...Hard to see how the influence of campaign contributions on politics could get clearer than the credit-card industry's purchase of a harsher bankruptcy law, industry's purchase of the repeal of rules to prevent repetitive stress injuries and High George Dubya's 180 on CO2.

As Joseph Welch once said to Sen. Joe McCarthy, 'Have you no sense of decency, sir? At long last, have you left no sense of decency?' ... "

I agree. And since I also expect that the corrupt Democrats will fail the test, the Greens should make it their business that every Democratic voter in Northern Califonia is aware of their failure.

It seems to me that between what the "bipartisan" Establishment is doing in Washington and the "bipartisan" Establishment is doing in Sacramento that is is really a patriotic duty to fight these crooks with every fiber of our being.

Alex Walker

San Jose