I took light rail to the start for this ride. When I got on the train this woman was the only one there making a political statement. I had to share!

Riding to the start from the last VTA station I stopped quickly at this park. One good reason was their bathroom.


They were already rolling out of the Mexican Heritage parking lot when I got there.

Just chimed in and shot pictures as they caught my interest.

For this ride the route was a much more interesting part of the equation than it usually is. Not only did bike party have to climb this circular ramp, but there were several other fine moments along the way. One of the cool things about this was that for at least a couple of blocks before I got to the bridge I could see bikes spiraling up the thing. Looked like the lights spiraling in a barber pole.

In the space between the corkscrew curves, Justin was feeding a trash barrel fire. Worked great except for that one time when I had to roll through the smoke.


Certainly there were plenty of people that had done something worth taking a picture of. They were all happy to pose to.



The Ravens rode again this month! Good to see them out again.

Yup. Bike party still waits for the green light at busy roads.

On this leg of the trip there was a brief delay at this house whose decorations were beyond expectations.


It was a good time!